Defensive Strategies: TA0004
Defensive Strategies for TA0004 - Privilege Escalation
Defending against Privilege Escalation in Azure environments requires tight access control, role monitoring, automation security, and detection mechanisms. Below are key defensive measures mapped to relevant techniques, along with Azure-specific tools and configurations to mitigate these risks.
1. Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism
Technique: T1548 - Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism Attackers circumvent systems that are designed to elevate a principal's access and gain higher privileges.
T1548.005 - Temporary Elevated Cloud Access
Defensive Strategy: Enforce Conditional Access Policies to restrict and log elevated access, limiting the duration and scope of temporary roles. Ensure that time-limited permissions are appropriately configured, with strict criteria for access and expiry.
Monitoring and Alerting: Enable Azure Monitor alerts for changes in JIT and PIM configurations and review for any unexpected approvals. Investigate any PIM assignments that are extended or overridden without proper authorization.
2. Account Manipulation
Technique: T1098 - Account Manipulation
Attackers may manipulate accounts to maintain or elevate access to victim systems. This may involve actions like modifying credentials or permission groups to retain control. Attackers might also subvert security policies, such as repeatedly updating passwords to bypass duration policies and extend compromised access.
T1098.001 - Additional Cloud Credentials
Defensive Strategy: Disable SAS Token generation when possible and use User Delegation SAS Tokens whenever feasible. This is due to the tokens being secured with Entra ID Credentials versus storage account keys.
Defensive Strategies Continued: Other strategies include but are not limited short token expiration times (hours, not days) in a SAS Token Policy, blocking SAS Token Authentication via Conditional Access, blocking access to view storage account keys to prevent users from creating them.
Monitoring and Alerting SAS Tokens: Enable alerts when the storage account and audit all generated tokens for unusual permissions or extended expiration periods.
Monitoring and Alerting OAuth Applications: Monitor OAuth Application credentials and review changes to App Registration settings for any additional credentials or modifications.
T1098.003 - Additional Cloud Roles
Defensive Strategy: Limit role assignment creation permissions and monitor ‘Contributor’ and other high-privilege role assignments to ensure they align with documented needs. Implement least-privilege roles using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
Monitoring and Alerting: Set alerts for new role assignments, especially ‘Contributor’ or higher roles in sensitive resource groups or subscriptions. Regularly review RBAC assignments, logging changes in Azure Entra ID Privileged Role Administrator roles.
T1098.005 - Registered Device
Defensive Strategy: Secure Intune and other device management policies with strict approval workflows. Restrict device registration to prevent unauthorized device enrollment. Implement compliance policies in Intune to ensure only secure devices can access resources.
Monitoring and Alerting: Monitor Intune policy changes and log device registration activity for unusual devices. Use Conditional Access to block or require additional verification for newly registered devices.
3. Domain or Tenant Policy Modification
Technique: T1484 - Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism Attackers exploit privileged automation tools to run high-level tasks.
T1484.002 - Trust Modification
Defensive Strategy: Enforce strict trust modification policies and limit access to tenant federation settings to prevent unauthorized changes. Review and monitor federated authentication setups regularly, ensuring federated identities are correctly scoped and governed.
Monitoring and Alerting: Set up alerts for any changes in trust relationships. Track attempts to add or alter domain trust properties and verify these against security policies. Use Azure Identity Protection to detect suspicious principal activity and the Activity log for any suspicious trust modifications that could indicate privilege escalation attempts.
4. Valid Accounts
Technique: T1078 - Valid Accounts Attackers may obtain and abuse credentials of existing accounts as a means of gaining
T1078.001 - Default Accounts
Defensive Strategy: Remove or disable default accounts immediately after deployment and restrict access to sensitive resources. Conduct regular audits to ensure no default accounts remain active, especially on production systems.
Monitoring and Alerting: Enable alerts for any activity involving default accounts and maintain logs for all default account usage. Flag and review any access from default accounts in high-security zones.
T1556.003 - Cloud Accounts
Defensive Strategy: Implement MFA and Conditional Access for all cloud accounts and enforce password rotation policies. Utilize Entra ID Identity Protection to monitor for risky sign-ins and enforce strict authentication requirements.
Monitoring and Alerting: Enable alerts for risky login behavior such as login attempts from unusual locations or new devices. Use Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Sentinel and or Defender XDR to monitor and respond to potential brute-force or phishing attempts targeting cloud accounts.
Summary of Defensive Measures for TA0004
Defensive Strategy
Azure Solution
Utilize JIT Access
T1548 - Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism
Ensure JIT Access is configured for 'Manual' Approval,
Monitor Role Assignment
T1098.003 - Additional Cloud Roles
Use Azure Monitor and alerts for RBAC changes
SAS Policy Hardening
T1098.001 - Additional Cloud Credentials
Limit access to view storage account keys, disable SAS token authentication via conditional access, use User Delegated SAS Tokens.
OAuth Application Credential Hardening
T1098.001 - Additional Cloud Credentials
Monitor updates to existing OAuth credentials and application registration updates.
Device Hardening
T1098.005 - Registered Device
Deploy Intune policies to harden and secure devices alongside Conditional Access to prevent non-compliant devices on the network.
Tenant Trust Relationship Hardening
T1484.002 - Trust Modification
Use least privilege with tenant to tenant access. Monitor changes in configuration of tenant trust relationships.
Default Account Hardening
T1078.001 - Default Accounts
Establish SOPs to prevent default credentialed resources being deployed. Deploy proper monitoring for new devices deployed on the network. Conduct regular auditing of systems.
Cloud Account Hardening
T1556.003 - Cloud Accounts
Deploy MFA and Conditional Access Policies where appropriate. Utilize Identity protection for risky users and sign-in activity.
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