Azure Monitor Agent

What is Azure Monitor Agent?

Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) is a lightweight and efficient data collection tool used in Azure Monitor to gather telemetry data from various sources within your infrastructure. It consolidates data collection for metrics, logs, and traces into a single agent, simplifying management and improving performance. This agent replaces the older Log Analytics Agent (MMA) and the Diagnostics Extension (WAD).

Key Features of Azure Monitor Agent:

  1. Unified Data Collection: Collects metrics, logs, and traces across different Azure and non-Azure environments.

  2. Efficiency: Optimized for performance, reducing resource consumption on monitored machines.

  3. Flexible Configuration: Supports multiple data collection rules (DCRs) for granular data collection.

  4. Scalability: Scales to meet the needs of large, complex environments.

  5. Security: Enhanced security features to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

Setting Up Azure Monitor Agent


  • An Azure subscription.

  • Azure CLI installed.

  • Appropriate permissions in Azure.

Step-by-Step Setup for Windows and Linux Devices

1. Create a Data Collection Rule (DCR):

Data Collection Rules define what data to collect and where to send it.

az monitor data-collection rule create --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --name <DCRName> --location <Location>

2. Define the Data Collection Configuration:

Specify the data sources, transformation, and destinations within the DCR.

  "dataFlows": [
      "streams": ["Microsoft-Perf"],
      "destinations": ["<LogAnalyticsWorkspace>"]
  "destinations": {
    "logAnalytics": [
        "workspaceResourceId": "<LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID>"

3. Install the Azure Monitor Agent on Windows:

Option 1: Using the Azure Portal

  1. Navigate to Azure Monitor > Settings > Agents > Azure Monitor Agent.

  2. Click on + Add and follow the wizard to select the appropriate scope (VM or VMSS).

  3. Complete the installation by associating the DCR.

Option 2: Using PowerShell

# Download the AMA installer
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile InstallAzureMonitorAgent.ps1

# Execute the installer

# Link the VM to the DCR
$vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroup> -Name <VMName>
Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroup> -VMName <VMName> -Name "AzureMonitorWindowsAgent" -Publisher "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor" -Type "AzureMonitorWindowsAgent" -TypeHandlerVersion "1.0" -Settings @{
    "dataCollectionRuleId" = "/subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<ResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules/<DCRName>"

4. Install the Azure Monitor Agent on Linux:

Option 1: Using the Azure Portal

  1. Navigate to Azure Monitor > Settings > Agents > Azure Monitor Agent.

  2. Click on + Add and follow the wizard to select the appropriate scope (VM or VMSS).

  3. Complete the installation by associating the DCR.

Option 2: Using Azure CLI

# Download and install the AMA
wget -O
chmod +x
sudo ./

# Link the VM to the DCR
az vm extension set \
  --resource-group <ResourceGroup> \
  --vm-name <VMName> \
  --name AzureMonitorLinuxAgent \
  --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Monitor \
  --version 1.0 \
  --settings '{"dataCollectionRuleId":"/subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<ResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules/<DCRName>"}'

Monitoring and Managing Azure Monitor Agent

  1. Verification: Ensure the agent is running and data is being collected correctly.

    • Check the status of the agent service.

    • Verify data in the Log Analytics Workspace.

  2. Updating AMA: Azure Monitor Agent updates are managed automatically through Azure Update Management. You can also manually update if required.

  3. Troubleshooting:

    • Review logs and events related to the agent.

    • Check Azure Monitor diagnostic settings and review telemetry data.

Last updated