Log Retention Strategies


In Azure, you can extend the retention of logs using three primary methods:

  1. Exporting Logs to a Storage Account

  2. Sending Logs to a Log Analytics Workspace

  3. Streaming Logs to an Event Hub

Here's an overview of each method and how they can be used to extend the retention of logs:

1. Exporting Logs to a Storage Account

Exporting logs to a storage account allows you to archive them for longer periods. This method is suitable for long-term storage and compliance purposes.


  • Cost-effective for long-term storage.

  • Easy access to raw log data for analysis and auditing.

How to Configure:

Using Azure Portal:

  1. Open Azure Portal and navigate to the service you want to configure (e.g., Activity Logs, Azure AD Logs, Resource Logs).

  2. Add Diagnostic Setting:

    • For Activity Logs: Go to Azure Monitor > Activity Log > Export Activity Logs > + Add diagnostic setting.

    • For Azure AD Logs: Go to Azure Active Directory > Audit logs or Sign-ins > Export Data Settings > + Add diagnostic setting.

    • For Resource Logs: Go to the specific resource (e.g., Virtual Machine) > Monitoring > Diagnostic settings > + Add diagnostic setting.

  3. Configure Diagnostic Setting:

    • Name your diagnostic setting.

    • Select Archive to a storage account and choose your storage account.

  4. Save Configuration.

Using Azure CLI:

az monitor diagnostic-settings create \
  --name "LogExportToStorage" \
  --resource "<resource-id>" \
  --logs '[{"category": "Administrative", "enabled": true}]' \
  --storage-account "/subscriptions/<your-subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<your-resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<your-storage-account>"

2. Sending Logs to a Log Analytics Workspace

Sending logs to a Log Analytics workspace allows you to perform advanced queries, set up alerts, and analyze logs using Azure Monitor.


  • Advanced querying and analytics capabilities.

  • Integration with Azure Monitor and other Azure services.

  • Configurable retention up to 730 days or more.

How to Configure:

Using Azure Portal:

  1. Open Azure Portal and navigate to the service you want to configure (e.g., Activity Logs, Azure AD Logs, Resource Logs).

  2. Add Diagnostic Setting:

    • For Activity Logs: Go to Azure Monitor > Activity Log > Export Activity Logs > + Add diagnostic setting.

    • For Azure AD Logs: Go to Azure Active Directory > Audit logs or Sign-ins > Export Data Settings > + Add diagnostic setting.

    • For Resource Logs: Go to the specific resource (e.g., Virtual Machine) > Monitoring > Diagnostic settings > + Add diagnostic setting.

  3. Configure Diagnostic Setting:

    • Name your diagnostic setting.

    • Select Send to Log Analytics workspace and choose your Log Analytics workspace.

  4. Save Configuration.

Using Azure CLI:

az monitor diagnostic-settings create \
  --name "LogExportToLogAnalytics" \
  --resource "<resource-id>" \
  --logs '[{"category": "Administrative", "enabled": true}]' \
  --workspace "/subscriptions/<your-subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<your-resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/<your-workspace>"

3. Streaming Logs to an Event Hub

Streaming logs to an Event Hub enables integration with external systems and real-time processing of log data.


  • Real-time log processing.

  • Integration with external systems like SIEMs (Security Information and Event Management).

  • Scalability for large volumes of data.

How to Configure:

Using Azure Portal:

  1. Open Azure Portal and navigate to the service you want to configure (e.g., Activity Logs, Azure AD Logs, Resource Logs).

  2. Add Diagnostic Setting:

    • For Activity Logs: Go to Azure Monitor > Activity Log > Export Activity Logs > + Add diagnostic setting.

    • For Azure AD Logs: Go to Azure Active Directory > Audit logs or Sign-ins > Export Data Settings > + Add diagnostic setting.

    • For Resource Logs: Go to the specific resource (e.g., Virtual Machine) > Monitoring > Diagnostic settings > + Add diagnostic setting.

  3. Configure Diagnostic Setting:

    • Name your diagnostic setting.

    • Select Stream to an event hub and choose your Event Hub namespace and Event Hub name.

  4. Save Configuration.

Using Azure CLI:

az monitor diagnostic-settings create \
  --name "LogExportToEventHub" \
  --resource "<resource-id>" \
  --logs '[{"category": "Administrative", "enabled": true}]' \
  --event-hub "/subscriptions/<your-subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<your-resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/<your-event-hub-namespace>/eventhubs/<your-event-hub>"

Last updated