Quick Reference

A majority of the commands that you will need to be familiar with are captured here in the quick reference guide below.



Find relevant data by filtering or searching

Filters on a specific predicate

T | where Predicate

Contains: Looks for any substring match Has: Looks for a specific word (better performance)

T | where col1 contains/has "[search term]"

Searches all columns in the table for the value

[TabularSource |] search [kind=CaseSensitivity] [in (TableSources)] SearchPredicate

Returns the specified number of records. Use to test a query Note: take and limit are synonyms.

T | take NumberOfRows

Adds a condition statement, similar to if/then/elseif in other systems.

case(predicate_1, then_1, predicate_2, then_2, predicate_3, then_3, else)

Produces a table with the distinct combination of the provided columns of the input table

distinct [ColumnName], [ColumnName]


Operations that use date and time functions

Returns the time offset relative to the time the query executes. For example, ago(1h) is one hour before the current clock's reading.


Returns data in various date formats.

format_datetime(datetime , format)

Rounds all values in a timeframe and groups them


Create/Remove Columns

Add or remove columns in a table

Outputs a single row with one or more scalar expressions

print [ColumnName =] ScalarExpression [',' ...]

Selects the columns to include in the order specified

T | project ColumnName [= Expression] [, ...] Or T | project [ColumnName | (ColumnName[,]) =] Expression [, ...]

Selects the columns to exclude from the output

T | project-away ColumnNameOrPattern [, ...]

Selects the columns to keep in the output

T | project-keep ColumnNameOrPattern [, ...]

Renames columns in the result output

T | project-rename new_column_name = column_name

Reorders columns in the result output

T | project-reorder Col2, Col1, Col* asc

Creates a calculated column and adds it to the result set

T | extend [ColumnName | (ColumnName[, ...]) =] Expression [, ...]

Sort and Aggregate Dataset

Restructure the data by sorting or grouping them in meaningful ways

Sort the rows of the input table by one or more columns in ascending or descending order

T | sort by expression1 [asc|desc], expression2 [asc|desc], …

Returns the first N rows of the dataset when the dataset is sorted using by

T | top numberOfRows by expression [asc|desc] [nulls first|last]

Groups the rows according to the by group columns, and calculates aggregations over each group

T | summarize [[Column =] Aggregation [, ...]] [by [Column =] GroupExpression [, ...]]

Counts records in the input table (for example, T) This operator is shorthand for summarize count()

T | count

Merges the rows of two tables to form a new table by matching values of the specified column(s) from each table. Supports a full range of join types: fullouter, inner, innerunique, leftanti, leftantisemi, leftouter, leftsemi, rightanti, rightantisemi, rightouter, rightsemi

LeftTable | join [JoinParameters] ( RightTable ) on Attributes

Takes two or more tables and returns all their rows

[T1] | union [T2], [T3], …

Generates a table with an arithmetic series of values

range columnName from start to stop step step

Format Data

Restructure the data to output in a useful way

Extends the columns of a fact table with values looked-up in a dimension table

T1 | lookup [kind = (leftouter|inner)] ( T2 ) on Attributes

Turns dynamic arrays into rows (multi-value expansion)

T | mv-expand Column

Evaluates a string expression and parses its value into one or more calculated columns. Use for structuring unstructured data.

T | parse [kind=regex [flags=regex_flags] |simple|relaxed] Expression with * (StringConstant ColumnName [: ColumnType]) *...

Creates series of specified aggregated values along a specified axis

T | make-series [MakeSeriesParamters] [Column =] Aggregation [default = DefaultValue] [, ...] on AxisColumn from start to end step step [by [Column =] GroupExpression [, ...]]

Binds a name to expressions that can refer to its bound value. Values can be lambda expressions to create query-defined functions as part of the query. Use let to create expressions over tables whose results look like a new table.

let Name = ScalarExpression | TabularExpression | FunctionDefinitionExpression


Miscellaneous operations and function

Runs the function on the table that it receives as input.

T | invoke function([param1, param2])

Evaluates query language extensions (plugins)

[T |] evaluate [ evaluateParameters ] PluginName ( [PluginArg1 [, PluginArg2]... )


Operations that display the data in a graphical format

Renders results as a graphical output

T | render Visualization [with (PropertyName = PropertyValue [, ...] )]

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