Remediation Task Structure

Azure Policy remediation tasks help bring non-compliant resources into compliance based on policy definitions and assignments. Resources not compliant with a deployIfNotExists or modify definition can be remediated by deploying templates or making modifications, using the identity specified in the policy assignment.

New or updated resources that match a deployIfNotExists or modify assignment are automatically remediated. Remediation tasks are automatically deleted 60 days after the last modification.

Remediation tasks are created using JSON, containing elements such as:

  • Policy Assignment ID: Full path of the policy or initiative.

  • Policy Definition ID: Specifies the policy definition if the assignment is part of an initiative.

  • Resource Count & Parallel Deployments: Defines how many resources to remediate and how many can be handled simultaneously.

  • Failure Threshold: Optionally stops remediation if failures exceed a specified percentage.

  • Remediation Filters: Optional, such as filtering by region.

  • Resource Discovery Mode: Identifies non-compliant resources, with options like ExistingNonCompliant or ReEvaluateCompliance.

  • Provisioning State & Deployment Summary: Provides status and deployment details for the task.

For example, the following JSON represents a remediation task:

  "id": "/subscriptions/{subId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations/remediateNotCompliant",
  "apiVersion": "2021-10-01",
  "name": "remediateNotCompliant",
  "type": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations",
  "properties": {
    "policyAssignmentId": "/subscriptions/{subID}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceShouldBeCompliantInit",
    "policyDefinitionReferenceId": "requiredTags",
    "resourceCount": 42,
    "parallelDeployments": 6,
    "failureThreshold": { "percentage": 0.1 }

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