Administrative Event Schema
This section provides an deeper explanation of the Administrative events as well as the associated schema.
Azure Activity Log: Administrative Events
The Administrative category in the Azure Activity Log records all create, update, delete, and action operations performed through Azure Resource Manager. This includes actions like creating a virtual machine or deleting a network security group. Every operation initiated by a user or application on a resource is logged, capturing both the start and the outcome (success or failure) of the action. Additionally, this category logs any changes made to Azure role-based access control within a subscription.
Schema for Administrative Events
Element Name | Description |
authorization | Blob of Azure RBAC properties of the event. Usually includes the “action”, “role” and “scope” properties. |
caller | Email address of the user who has performed the operation, UPN claim, or SPN claim based on availability. |
channels | One of the following values: “Admin”, “Operation” |
claims | The JWT token used by Active Directory to authenticate the user or application to perform this operation in Resource Manager. |
correlationId | Usually a GUID in the string format. Events that share a correlationId belong to the same uber action. |
description | Static text description of an event. |
eventDataId | Unique identifier of an event. |
eventName | Friendly name of the Administrative event. |
category | Always "Administrative" |
httpRequest | Blob describing the Http Request. Usually includes the “clientRequestId”, “clientIpAddress” and “method” (HTTP method. For example, PUT). |
level | Severity level of the event. |
resourceGroupName | Name of the resource group for the impacted resource. |
resourceProviderName | Name of the resource provider for the impacted resource |
resourceType | The type of resource affected by an Administrative event. |
resourceId | Resource ID of the impacted resource. |
operationId | A GUID shared among the events that correspond to a single operation. |
operationName | Name of the operation. |
properties | Set of |
status | String describing the status of the operation. Some common values are: Started, In Progress, Succeeded, Failed, Active, Resolved. |
subStatus | Usually the HTTP status code of the corresponding REST call, but can also include other strings describing a subStatus, such as these common values: OK (HTTP Status Code: 200), Created (HTTP Status Code: 201), Accepted (HTTP Status Code: 202), No Content (HTTP Status Code: 204), Bad Request (HTTP Status Code: 400), Not Found (HTTP Status Code: 404), Conflict (HTTP Status Code: 409), Internal Server Error (HTTP Status Code: 500), Service Unavailable (HTTP Status Code: 503), Gateway Timeout (HTTP Status Code: 504). |
eventTimestamp | Timestamp when the event was generated by the Azure service processing the request corresponding the event. |
submissionTimestamp | Timestamp when the event became available for querying. |
subscriptionId | Azure Subscription ID. |
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